Learning Support

At Worcester Sixth Form College we welcome students with additional support needs. Over the years we have developed specialised support areas with Asperger’s Syndrome, dyslexia, sensory impairment and medical conditions.

We offer support to all those who need it and the following are some of the areas where students have benefitted from additional assistance:

  • One-to-one support
  • In class support (for students with an Education, Health and Care Plan)
  • Having an assessment for exam access arrangements - if applicable
  • Exam support

If you currently receive support at school or would like to receive support when at College, please do indicate this on the application form to discuss at interview. Students, when enrolled, can also self-refer by speaking to their teacher, tutor or contacting the Learning Support Manager.

Whatever your support needs, our dedicated support team are able to provide you with tailored support to meet your individual needs to help you succeed to your full academic potential.

learning support

Our Local Offer

  • SEN Information Report

  • WSFC Local Offer

  • Learning Support Annual Report