
Careers Advice and Guidance

Individual interviews are available throughout the week for all of our students. Students can make an appointment at a time convenient for them by visiting Student Services.

Our Careers Advisers can help students to make a start with careers ideas and/or check information and guide progress.

Careers Lessons

These are available for students via the tutorial programme throughout the year. Students can also opt into extended, specialised ‘professional programmes’ for careers enrichment.

Employment Support

Full and part-time employment vacancies, apprenticeships, company information, advice on CVs, help with applications and interviews, short courses for job seekers.

Bulletins are produced termly, providing updates on careers, courses and enrichment opportunities. Available in tutorials, from Student Services and via the Portal.

Useful Links

Useful Documents

Student Support - After College

We are committed to helping our students succeed in their chosen careers. That's why we offer career guidance appointments for up to two years after they have left college.

Students applying to university will need a college buzzword that the college can provide, please contact


achievement - Mountain

Meet the Team

Andrew Fitzpatrick

Andrew Fitzpatrick

Senior Leader for Student Progression

Sarah Mills

College Counsellor

Chris Brayford

Student Services Co-ordinator
Jan W

Jan Whitehorne

Careers Adviser / Deputy Head Student Services

June Devonport

Employer Liaison Officer

Jody Cox

Student Services Co-ordinator

Kath Fox

Careers Adviser

Jenny Jones

Student Travel & Finance Officer