Art Portfolio Guidance

If you are applying for any A Level Art & Design course, and are not studying an art-and-design-route GCSE, you will need to provide a portfolio for each subject you are applying for.

Please either post or bring your portfolio to reception marked for the attention of the Head of Art and Design, Jules Steed.

Fine Art

  • You must show us 9 drawings in total, all from real life, and using a variety of different media (e.g. pencil, pen, biro, paint, crayon etc)
  • PLUS, 200 words about a painting of your choice, telling us why you like it, and how you respond to it. Ideally this should be a painting you have seen on display.

Graphic Design

  • You must show us 9 drawings in total, all from real life, and using a variety of different media (eg pencil, pen, biro, paint, crayon etc)
  • PLUS, a 200-word description with illustrations (no internet images or text), of a designer, typographer or illustrator of your choice.


You will need to demonstrate evidence of a creative approach to photography. You will need to show a mounted collection of 10-20 photographs exploring light and shadow. Each photograph should have a brief written evaluation outlining why you have chosen it and your interpretation of the composition.

We recommend that you only take ONE Art and Design course if you are joining us via the Portfolio route. Please discuss with a member of the Art and Design department if you have any queries.

We recommend that you only take ONE Art & Design course if you are joining us via the Portfolio route. Please discuss with a member of the Art and Design department if you have any queries.