Why Study Applied Business?

The course is specially designed to allow students to study
vocationally. This means it is work related wherever possible, but provides the same value as conventional A Level qualifications. It places heavy emphasis on skills which are required by employers, such as time management and team working. It is, therefore, aimed equally at students who wish to move into a career after further education, and those who wish to study at a higher level.

You can choose to study the one A Level equivalent (Extended Certificate) alongside other subjects or you can study Business at a more in-depth level and complete the Extended Diploma, which is the equivalent of three A Levels. The course is a mix of exams and coursework.

You will complete a variety of units such as:

  • The Business Environment
  • Working in Business
  • Customers & Communication
  • Marketing
  • International Business
  • Human Resources
  • Accounting Concepts

These will give you an insight into a range of business functions and will develop transferable employability skills. Awards are graded Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction* (star) which are determined by an accumulation of points gained from all the assessed work including externally assessed exams and coursework.

Why study Business Applied at Worcester Sixth Form College?

The course is taught by specialist teaching staff, the majority of whom have worked in industry. Good links to local businesses to give you a focus for your assignment research. Students will spend time on company premises, meeting managers to find out how the business works. In the past we have visited Cadbury World, West Midlands Safari Park, Westons Cider and Aztec Watersports. Extended Diploma students will also take part in a one week work experience, organised by the College.

Progression Opportunities

The qualification can be used for admission to degree level courses, to begin a business related career or to complete an apprenticeship. All of the career opportunities open to A Level students are also available to Level 3 Applied students. Previous students have gone on to study Business at universities such as Liverpool, Cardiff and Aston University
in Birmingham. Others have completed Marketing Apprenticeships or have joined Business Management schemes.

Hannah Crook-Stanley Business Level 3

Hannah Crook-Stanley

Business Applied - Lacon Childe School
“I knew Business Level 3 Applied was the course for me as the subject covers a wide range of topics from international business to marketing and events management. This meant I could really locate where my interests lie. This subject also focuses on study that is ‘work-related’ meaning it is a strong foundation for many future pathways whether this is straight into the workplace or onto higher education. The course itself is also a mixture of coursework and examined units which was perfect for me as my grade is also based on my ability in the classroom not just the exam hall. University is the next step on my journey, I will be studying Business Management as I have now had the opportunity to discover that this is the subject I am most passionate about.”

Entry Requirements

Essential Qualifications Other Desirable Qualifications / Combinations Skills & Attributes Required for Success Guidance on Costs or Commitments
Please see ‘General Course Entry Requirements’GCSE Maths and English at grade 4 or above, otherwise will be added to your programme of study.Willingness to participate in work experience and business visits. Willingness to participate in Young Enterprise. Ability to meet deadlines. Basic IT skills.

Qualification Levels & Enrolment Options

Qualification Name A Level Equivalence Duration Awarding Body
Foundation Diploma1½ A Levels (3 Blocks)1 yearOCR Cambridge Technicals
Extended Diploma3 A Levels (3 Blocks)1 year (to be studied in 2nd year after successful completion of Foundation Diploma)OCR Cambridge Technicals
Certificate1/2 A Level (1 Blocks)1 yearOCR Cambridge Technicals
Extended Certificate1 A Level (1 Block)1 year (to be studied in 2nd year after successful completion of Certificate)OCR Cambridge Technicals

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