Deputy Principal set to retire
Ruth Scotson, Deputy Principal at Worcester Sixth Form College, is due to retire at the end of this summer term after a lengthy and distinguished career.
Ruth, an Oxford graduate, joined the College in September 1992 as Head of History and during her 29 year tenure (25 of those as a member of the Senior Leadership Team) has been a Senior Tutor before being appointed Assistant Principal in 2010 and subsequently Deputy Principal in August 2018.
The impact that Ruth has had cannot be celebrated enough both in terms of the excellent leadership she has provided, the support she has provided for students academically and in terms of their wellbeing and support for their progression. She has previously been the College’s Designated Safeguarding Lead and has been instrumental in the introduction of the Ambition Programme for students looking to apply to Oxbridge or Russell Group universities and extensive support for early applicants with personal statements and UCAS applications.
Ruth has strong family connections to the College in that both her children studied here and secured outstanding results before progressing to highly prestigious universities.
Ed Senior, Principal, said: “Ruth has been, and continues to be an inspiration to Worcester Sixth Form College students. Her intellect, wisdom and dedication means that, not only has Ruth been an outstanding teacher, but also an exceptional colleague. I am really pleased that Ruth has agreed to return next year to teach Early Modern History and I am certain she will continue to inspire yet another cohort of students.”
Whilst the College intends to celebrate Ruth’s retirement at an event in the autumn term, we know that there will be former students who were taught by Ruth and former colleagues who would like the opportunity to send Ruth a message or wish her well. If you would like to share such a message, please email the Principal’s PA (