Student participating in BBC Focus Group

First year student, Shakira Jefferies was selected to take part in a participation group at the Broadcasting House in London on 12th, February. Shakira was selected to participate in the steering group on the behalf of Worcestershire young Carers. Out of around 3,000 organisations funded by BBC Children In Need, only 7 youth groups were chosen and Shakira’s Action for Young Carers was the only organisation of its type selected.

Shakira said that during the day they were asked to consider what they would spend money on if they had it. Other activities asked participants to question what they could do to help Children In Need consider the ways in which they help the youths of today, what is important to the youth projects they fund and how they conduct their research. Young people and their project workers from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales were involved in the day.

Shakira explains why she was chosen to take part in this event. She says: “My key worker thought that I had great communication skills to talk to the people working for Children In Need. I feel very privileged to have been able to participate in the event as I enjoy talking to people especially when it’s a serious topic.”