WSFC Students Celebrate Results

Worcester Sixth Form College students celebrated today with the publication of eagerly anticipated A Level and Applied Level 3 results. It was fantastic to be able to see so many happy faces at College for a results day celebration and to find out about what plans they have for next year.
Notable successes included:
- Rebecca Sherwin who achieved A* grades in Physics, Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and the Extended Project;
- Josh Winfield who achieved A*s in Politics and Philosophy, Ethics and Religion and A grades in French and Spanish;
- Madeleine Meredith who achieved A*s in English Literature, History, Philosophy, Ethics and Religion and the Extended Project; and
- Ella Hart who achieved A*s in English Language, History and Law and a B in the Extended Project.
Ed Senior, Principal, said: “Congratulations to all our students on the grades they have achieved. These reflect the significant effort, dedication and commitment of students and their teachers who have had to work harder than ever to overcome the uncertainty and disruption of the last two years. While it has been a challenge, our students have developed new skills and demonstrated resilience during periods of remote learning which will have prepared them extremely well for their next steps whether that is university, employment or an apprenticeship. I am proud of what our students have accomplished and am sure that they can look forward to continued success in the future and hope that they will keep in touch to inspire future students.”
If any student is disappointed with their grades or need help with their next step, please contact the College. Senior staff will be available all week and throughout the summer break to offer support and guidance.